Aug 7, 2022Marine BiologyMarine Debris – What’s The Deal?Something I’ve noticed more since permanently living in Hawaii is the copious amounts of debris that end up on our beaches. In Florida it...
Aug 7, 2022SharksSurfing With Sharks – I Did It! Advice For SurfersOne of the most common fears in surfers is sharks. I’ve never met anyone that actually wants to go surfing with sharks. The reality is...
Aug 7, 2022Conservation5 Easy Ways To Avoid Single Use PlasticThe conversation about reducing plastic going, it can be daunting trying to go from 100% to zero. In today’s world it is almost...
Aug 7, 2022FreedivingBest & Worst Dolphin Encounter To DateA few days ago I met up with some friends to go dive with hopes of encountering the Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin. There are a few particular...
May 13, 2022My LifeMy Closest Death ExperienceThe pic above was not from the day this story took place. I want to start by saying this isn’t exactly a story I am proud of and resulted...